52 Weeks of Weezies Life

Weezies Photo Challenge



Not an unusual picture by far for most, but pretty special when you haven’t done it for a few years. After riding a usual 75 to 100 miles a week between working, then stopping, it’s a big deal for a 69 year old. Here’s to my brave warrior Bill, may the force be with him and the wind always at his back.


Honey don’t forget you phone!

11 thoughts on “Week 13 ON TWO WHEELS

  1. Good for Mr. Bill. Keep on riding.

  2. Thanks Ann, wish we could do it too…maybe not….

  3. you could pop onto the handle bars and join him!

  4. You would look cute in one of those baby bike trailers behind Bill’s bicycle.

  5. With a hot pink helmet adorned with a lime green Mohawk on the top ! Yes,
    finally someone is getting my vision!

  6. Thank you, I’m not a good photographer but I sure love being able to remembering what I saw yesterday.

  7. Rock on Bill…or should I say Roll on…:)

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